There are so many things parents to help their children transition into school

With busy schedules and time frames at work, it’s sometimes easy to rush over some of the simple things in life that can establish your child as an independent learner from the day they can walk.

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There are so many things we can do as parents to help our children transition into school. With busy schedules and time frames at work, it’s sometimes easy to rush over some of the simple things in life that can establish your child as an independent learner from the day they can walk.

Over the next month, I’ll be posting a daily item that parents can do to improve their child’s ability to learn independently. I suggest that as teachers you grab the ones that you like and throw them into your parent handbook at school.

Here’s my first one!

‘Allow your child to write their own shopping list. ‘

“The day before doing the weekly shop, give your child a small budget for items they’d like to buy for their packed lunch at school.

This opens up avenues for conversations around healthy eating and working within a budget. As you do your shop, your child shops with you, discussing the ingredients in each item selected and keeping a running total of the cost.

This gives you some private one on one time but best of all, your child can use these ingredients to prepare and pack their own lunch, therefore encouraging them to make healthy choices of foods they enjoy eating.”

Share away, people!!! ❤️

#healthyeating #education #montessori

Parents will soon see children growing towards their full potential. Compassionate, empathetic and independent learners who feel that they have the power to make a difference in the world – this is every parent’s dream.