Every Child Needs Space

Providing your child with space they can call theirs is crucial to develop independence and a sense of ‘place’ in the household.

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Providing your child with space they can call theirs is crucial to develop independence and a sense of ‘place’ in the household.

What is work for an adult is play for a child. When a child sees his teacher or parents sitting at their desk marking books or doing their finances, they want to model that behaviour.

Give them the place and the freedom to make it their own and watch the independence come naturally.

Don’t tell them what to do or how to do it, just give them the tools and watch the magic happen.

#montessori #child #Parent

Parents will soon see children growing towards their full potential. Compassionate, empathetic and independent learners who feel that they have the power to make a difference in the world – this is every parent’s dream.